The Impact of E-Commerce on the California Industrial Real Estate Market

E-commerce's rise is reshaping California's industrial real estate scene. More online shopping means more need for places to keep products before they reach your doorstep. In 2022, California saw a whopping 70% increase in space used for this purpose compared to the year before, and there weren't many places left empty. In fact, only 3.2% of these spaces were without tenants. So, what's the buzz about in 2023?

Businesses are getting smarter. They're finding ways to send you stuff from both online and physical stores, making sure they're closer to you for faster delivery, and even using robots to help sort out orders. With so much going on, the value and rent of these spaces in California are only going up. If you're curious about diving deeper into these changes and their effects, keep reading.

Growing demand for warehousing and distribution space

E-commerce's big boom means products need to move faster than ever. For online businesses, this means having a rock-solid plan for storing and shipping goods. Enter the world of warehouses and distribution spaces, which are becoming vital players in making sure that online shopping cart ends up at your door quickly.

California is a hotspot in this scene. Why? Well, it's home to e-commerce giants like Amazon, Google, and eBay. Plus, a lot of shoppers and stores are right here. All these make California a top spot for big warehouse setups.

But there's a twist. California doesn't have a ton of open space for these big warehouses. So, with more businesses wanting space and not much available, prices are going up. It's simple: less space plus more demand equals higher costs.

Looking ahead, the need for these spaces in California isn't slowing down. E-commerce keeps growing, and that means warehouses will be in high demand. And for those thinking about investing in real estate? This might be a golden ticket.

Wondering how big names are jumping in?

Amazon's setting up a massive new center in Ontario, California.

Walmart's making moves, expanding its spots to handle more online grocery orders in California.

Target? They're popping up new centers to help their online shopping game.

In short, California's warehouse scene is buzzing, and for anyone keen on the state's real estate, this might be the place to look.

Rising cost of industrial land

Prices for industrial land in California have shot up in recent times. Back in 2022, an acre of this land was going for $1.2 million, a big jump from the $800,000 price tag in 2019.

What's causing this surge in prices? There's not much industrial land available in California. 

This hike in land prices isn't just numbers on a chart; it's affecting real businesses and the people putting money into them. Companies need more money now to rent or buy these spaces. In essence, while the price rise of industrial land in California poses challenges, it's crucial to stay updated and make smart choices to navigate these waters.

Impact of e-commerce on different types of industrial properties

E-commerce businesses have a big need for different kinds of spaces, and this has a big effect on industrial properties.

Types of Spaces for E-Commerce Operations

  • Distribution Centers: These are like big storerooms. E-commerce businesses use them to keep their stuff and send it to customers. They need them to be big and work really well because they have lots of things to send out.

  • Manufacturing Facilities: E-commerce businesses also need places to make their products. What kind of place they need depends on what they're making.

  • Logistics Hubs: These are places where e-commerce businesses organize the movement of their goods. It's important so that customers get their things fast and in good shape.

E-commerce businesses are also coming up with new types of spaces to make their operations even better:

  • Micro-fulfillment Centers: These are like mini storerooms that use robots and are near customers. This means customers can get their orders even faster.

  • Urban Distribution Centers: These centers are in cities and they help get orders to city customers really fast.

  • Cold Storage Facilities: These are cool places to keep things that need to be cold, like food or medicine.

With e-commerce growing, these places are in big demand. For example, more and more companies need to keep and send out their products, so they need more distribution centers. They're also making more of their own things, so they need places to do that. And with more stuff moving around, they need more logistics hubs.

For those thinking of putting their money into property, this is a good time. The need for these spaces is going to keep growing.

E-commerce is reshaping the California industrial real estate scene. From the rise of micro-fulfillment centers to urban distribution hubs, the state is adapting to the growing demands of online businesses. For a deeper look into how this evolution affects property values and investment opportunities, contact us today.